Monday, March 28, 2011

Be the Hands that Lift Her

For years I have prayed for one person who seems to be blocked in on all sides by disbelief. It as if there is a plot to keep her penned in so that she cannot reach out and accept the love God has for her. Our church is entering into a season of reading prayers every day to be in one accord,  growing in fellowship with God and strengthening the inner man.

Today in my own prayer  time I came across some portions of Scripture and some phrases from a book that leapt off the page as a prayer for the one who cannot believe.  I am calling the prayer: BE THE HANDS THAT LIFT HER.

Here is the prayer. You may choose to add the name of the person for whom you are praying, print it up, and read it daily.

Father, please hear _____________________'s cry. Never hide Your face from her. Answer her speedily when she calls. Thoughts taunt her. Let her know that You are enthroned forever. Lord, arise! Have pity on her. Favor her. This is the appointed time for her salvation. Build her up, Lord. Appear in Your glory. Set her free so that she can declare Your name. (1) I am wrestling in prayer for _____________ so she may stand firm in all the things of God.(2) I wrestle in prayer combatting the enemy on her behalf, praying for Your will in her life and for her ultimate victory. I intercede for her:  motivated by love, empowered by the Holy Spirit and accomplished in the name of Jesus. I share her burden. I fight for her freedom and inner healing. I am a warrior raised up in battle on her behalf. (3)

Below are the sources but I have broadly adapted them for my purposes.

(1)  from Psalm 102
(2   Colossians 4:12
(3)  Wounded by Terry Wardle

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