Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wait Until They're Dying?

I tend to use friendship as my main ministry tool. I am naturally friendly so it is easy for me. I love people and learning details of their lives delights me. This does not work well for evangelism. I don't tend to 'close the sale' so to speak in getting them to the point of accepting Jesus as Savior. I just let Jesus love through me and draw people, hopefully to Himself, through their relationship with me. That seems fine. I don't want to push people. I don't want to disrespect what they believe. I don't want to take them away from their own choices.


Clarence (not his real name) is dying. He is a casual facebook friend, someone I knew on a surface level 40 plus years ago. So my notes to him were friendly. FRIENDLY. But he is dying. Now I am facing the effectiveness of my 'friendship evangelism'.  His belief will not take him to heaven. His belief will not appropriate the blood of Jesus. His belief does not bring him any of the promises of the gospel. His belief is dead. His belief is worthless. His belief is a sham, a mockery, a joke. His belief is laughing in his face as he faces death.

SO NOW! So now I am giving him everything I know. It is like cramming for an exam---but I'm the teacher, not the student!  What kind of a teacher hems and haws about the content of the material and then the week of the exam gives all the content needed----but worse! The day before the exam she puts something out on the computer that she neglected to say to be on the test! Crucial material that MUST be learned and internalized in hours...........or minutes.

So how effective is 'friendship' evangelism. Where does it lead?

Do we really want to wait until they're dying to give them the information they need to pass the test?
And sadder still: there is vibrancy and joy beyond description in living Jesus now!  But because I don't want to offend, intrude, rob, risk I don't share what can change the person's life from dismal to delightful.

Did I really have to wait until he was dying?

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