Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Redemptive Cleansing of Repentance

The Redemptive Cleansing of Repentance
A Psalm 51 Bible Study
Written by Cheryl Samelson Skid

Psalm 51:3-5
3 For I acknowledge my transgression and my sin is ever before me.
4 Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speaketh and be clear when thou judgest.
5 Behold I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Opening our Hearts to Each Other and to God

1.               Can you remember the first time you were aware that you had done something wrong? What were the circumstances? What did you think? How was it resolved?
2.               Can you remember the first time you thought about God and how He related to you? Tell about that.
3.               Do you know anything about the circumstances of your conception, birth, and how your parents related to you? 

Original Language

Shapen  חול   (khool)  to twist, whirl, dance, writhe, fear, tremble, travail, be in anguish, be pained
            Conceive יָחַם  (yacham) to become hot and mate
 Let’s look at those words a little more closely and relate it to nature around us. I was watching a nature program seeing the  rarely viewed mating dance of the bird of paradise in Papua   New Guinea. The male would call to a female and then prance, twirl, twist, flutter, and cause an amazing display of feathers as he pranced, producing interesting sounds of quills clicking together! The female was passively there.  The male, all the while cavorting in a mating dance,  could tell by looking at the female when she was ready to receive him.
But God! No matter how ready your mother was to receive the seed that formed you, God wanted you. He planned for your birth and welcomed you in the world. Sometimes we feel unwanted by parents.  Perhaps you were the product of a one night stand, a drunken party, or a violent rape. None of that changes the fact that you were wanted and desired by God.  Know this: your life was planned by God. You have inherent value because He, the God of heaven and earth, WANTED YOU ON THIS EARTH AT THIS TIME.
Cross Examination
Let’s look at the circumstances surrounding the writing of Psalm 51
For this lesson we must read two chapters of the Bible. 2 Samuel 11 and 12.
2 Samuel 11:1  David sent the men to war but where was he? ____________________
11:2 Where was David and what was he doing? _________________________________
11:3 How do we know that David was very much aware of the woman’s identity and that of her husband? __________________________________________________________________
11: 4-6  Bathsheba and David have intercourse, and she tells David the news.   Why do you think David sent for her husband from the front lines of the war? ____________________________________________________________________
11:7, 8 David acts really friendly to Uriah, says (in essence) go home and sleep with your wife; after all, you deserve it. For what reason is he being so magnanimous? _______________________________________________________________________
11:9 Uriah surely is a mighty man. He refuses to sleep with his wife, and instead does what? ____________________________________________________________________________
11:11 What reason did Uriah give for not sleeping with his wife?____________________________
11:13 David’s plot did not work. Uriah didn’t sleep with his wife. He was too noble. He put loyalty to David and his fellow soldiers above his own desires. So David goes to his next plan.
Which is?__________________________________________________________________
11:14-17 How did David finally get what he wanted? _________________________________
David apparently had no twinge of conscience on his own. Instead God sent a prophet to David to show him the heinousness of his actions.
2 Samuel 12:1-13 How did the prophet Nathan get David to see the reality of his own sin? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We come to the place where Psalm 51 begins.

1.     Instead of allowing David to sin, hurt Bathsheba, and kill a man, couldn’t God have just stopped David before he even started this cycle of destruction? _____________  Why do you think God allow David to act is such a way with such painful repercussions? ___________________________________________________________________
2.     Has there been a Nathan in your life? ___________________________
3.     Have you been a Nathan to another? ____________________________
4.     Are you holding onto anguish or pain of an unconfessed sin? _________________________________________________________________
5.     Did God forgive David? _________________________________________________
6.     Can He forgive you? ___________________________________________________
Do Work
If you are struggling with an unconfessed sin, or if you can’t forgive yourself find a Nathan to walk you through forgiveness. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed!

I’d love to hear from you! Cheryl Skid  (314) 603-5687
Contributions may be sent to Women with a Vision P.O. Box 693 Florissant MO 63032 USA to help ministries around the world.

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