Monday, February 28, 2011

The Day the Rock Cracked (and let in some sun)

I am a retired special education teacher who, in a moment of weakness, took a position in a facility for children and youth who don’t have homes. At least they don’t have homes where they are welcome or could be safe or where others are not safe because of them. I was strongly warned about one. Difficult. Won’t work. Can be violent. Temper tantrums.
            I met them. I would be working one on one with each boy. The one I have called my R.S. (reluctant student) is ten. It wasn’t that I could not get him to work. He stayed on task. The problem was the cloud with which he surrounded himself.
            “Too hard!” “Too much!” “I can’t.” Head on desk. Face in frown. An occasional marker hurled across the class. A paper scribbled over and torn out of frustration that it wasn’t right.
            I would come home exhausted and stressed just from two hours with these boys. Last night I was up half the night wondering how in the world I would ever make a difference.
            Then today came. Today the rock cracked and the light shone through. It is one of those days I want to remember. I want to recreate every detail as if there were something magic in the set of events that made up this special day. I want to bottle it. Share it. Cherish it.
           On the way to work  I turned on Joy FM 99.1 and listened to Mercy Me "If We Are the Body". The words pierced my heart.  They challenged me: how can God’s love be seen if it isn’t flowing through me? How will God go if my feet don’t take Him? How can He reach if my hands aren’t outstretched?
            “I’m taking your love into school today.” That was nothing new for me. I had declared hundreds of time that I was taking Jesus into hard places. But today….today I was facing a very troubled boy whose entire demeanor moaned, “Unwanted.”
            He came in and I showed him the book I had purchased for him by Ted Dekker. “Too long. Too hard. Too many words.” We sat down and he started to write and became angry, scribbled so hard that the paper tore and tossed it aside. I made no reference to that action. Instead I said, “We both have some bad habits. You tell me mine, and I’ll tell you yours.” (Head down.) “My habit is that I talk too much! I’m very annoying. My brother always told me I was annoying. That brings back a bad memory.” (Head up an inch.) “You know what I see as your bad habit?” (hands over head as if not to hear.) “I see your bad habit as saying the words, ‘I can’t.’ ‘I won’t.’ ‘Too hard.’ Are you willing to try something? “ (No response) “How about if I bought a pack of little treats and if you could go for TEN MINUTES without saying anything negative, without putting your head down  or complaining you could have a treat? And if you did it another ten minutes you could have another treat?” (Head came up and eyes connected.) "These are nothing but habits. You can change these habits. They'll change your future." He said,
            “I never had anger problems until I had to move out of my house. I haven’t seen my baby sister but only once. They are all good. I’m the bad one.”
            At this I felt the righteousness of God rise up on the inside of me. “You are not bad! You are not bad at all! You are a precious boy! A wonderful boy!” We began the plan of changing his behaviors. His eyes took on a light which I recognized as hope. “I have to be good for three months. If I am good for three months I get to go to a foster home.”
            It was all I could do to keep from crying. But I remember the words of Dr. Yard, my professor. “Cheryl! You will NEVER help a student by pity or even compassion. You help them by giving them strategies so that they can change.”
            So we have a strategy. This little fellow was perfectly delightful with a changed countenance today that I believe is just the beginning. Today the rock cracked. Today I saw the sun in his eyes.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Books for the Jungle School

Hearts in Action in the Peten, Guatemala has requested children's books. I can foresee beautiful, colorful, interesting books that will delight any child. I seldom maybe never ask for donations for a ministry I've not seen with my own eyes. I've been to Guatemala nine times to visit and minister with the Babarczys who founded and direct Hearts in Action which built the Jungle School. The children who attend The Jungle School are very very poor and except for this school most would not have educational opportunities. By poor I mean dirt floor and no running water. Neil and I remarked that we'd never ever seen a place where children don't play! In the Peten children just STAND on land beside the road...stand staring! But in the Jungle School children are engaged in and excited abut learning. Women with a Vision will end a box of lovely children's books in Spanish. If you would like to send yours on your own check out http//

Otherwise send them with us:
Women with a Vision
P.O. Box 693
Florissant, MO 63032
incorporated since 1985.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Do You Feel Like You Missed It?

Did you Feel you Missed It?
Do you ever feel like you missed it? You’ve looked at your results. They are dismal. DISMAL. By any measurement of world or of church growth you are ‘’failure to thrive”. So- what do you think happened?
   *Presumed you heard from God but didn’t?
   *Personality wrong for the job?
   *Poorly prepared?
  *Wrong plan?
  *Wrong location?

Are you ashamed to hold you head up in the community? Do you find yourself
  *Canceling dates?
  *Avoiding people?
 *Considering quitting?
 *Questioning your worth?
 *Questioning your relationship with God?

Let’s look at Jeremiah chapter one.  (Don’t have a Bible? Let us know. Someone reading the blog will send you one.) God sets the stage by making it clear that Jeremiah belongs to Him. God knew him before he was in the womb. He knew the plans that were to be Jeremiah’s destiny. God appointed Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nations. God not only chose Jeremiah but He pinpointed the exact people to whom Jeremiah was to speak. Is if that weren’t enough, God gave Jeremiah the script.
Now let’s give Jeremiah’s outcome the 21st century test of success. Did it draw crowds? Was Jeremiah popular? Was he emulated by many? Did Jeremiah wannabees pop up everywhere? Did people wear his t-shirts, buy his books, watch his DVD series?
Read the rest of the book of Jeremiah and you’ll find the answers. Jeremiah was despised. He was at best ignored, at worst ridiculed. At best he had a straggly following. At worst he was mob attacked. Jeremiah was by no means successful during his lifetime according to  the standards by which we judge others and ourselves.
So what was the problem? Take a look at the questions you may be asking yourself? Did any of those apply to Jeremiah? No! He heard from God. He was chosen. He was sent to the exact people and given the exact message. So what is the explanation?
People have free will. You cannot predict how people will react to you, but you can predict whether or not you will be faithful. You cannot force someone to listen, but you can speak. You can’t drag someone in, but  you can open the door.
What is our part? Our part is to be faithful to the one who calls us. Jeremiah seemed to be a dismal failure. But the story didn’t end with the closing of the book. Jeremiah is known wherever God’s word is preached! Bible scholars study the words of Jeremiah. Sunday school classes memorize his words. And yes, some people now do wear his t-shirt.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Where Did I Lose My Confidence?

This was published today in Christian Educators of America's daily devotional so I posted it.
Prayer: May we know without a doubt that we are nothing without You, Oh Lord, our Savior and our Guide. May our words today be a sweet sound in Your ear.
Where Did I Lose My Confidence?
Scripture: The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
Matt 6:22 (KJV)
Where did I lose my confidence? As a young, unmarried, childless teacher I had all the answers. Parents of teenagers would come with their problems that they saw in their children and I had answers for all of them. They leaned forward, earnestly, in their chairs to listen to wisdom--to grasp any hope for their puzzling children.

It's not the same anymore. 35 years have passed since I was that brilliant solver of the problems of all parents. Now that I have been married for 34 years and have been a mother for 32 years, my confidence is gone! Now I hear the problems that parents of teenagers have and I can only empathize. I can squeeze a hand, look deep into the eyes and say, "I don't have the answers!" I sigh with them and cry with them. I can't begin to know the depth of their pain. But I can guess at the dreams that have been killed, at the disappointment that looms bigger every day as that child moves farther away from the ideal that mom and dad had when they held that infant in their arms.

Now they lean toward me, but I lean equally toward them. I let them know that they are not in this alone. I'm in the ring with them fighting for their children's souls.

I am in a public school where prayer is not welcomed, but tells me, “What is my alternative when the tissue box is not enough? I'm supposed to quote some philosopher? I'm supposed to come up with statistics from No Child Left Behind? “

No! I refuse to deny those parents the one resource that got me through my own children's wanderings in the wilderness. I refuse to hold the living water and not extend it to parched lips! I refuse! Yes, I am a teacher in the public school and proud of it! I'm so proud, every day, that I am entrusted to enter into the biggest mission field in the United States of America: the public schools.

I heard it said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. I may not be able to pray publicly in school, but my eyes hold the truth. As hopeless heads come up and as eyes meet mine, I know who they see behind my eyes.

I have had parents breathe their gratitude that I listened, that I cared, that I loved their child. I can't leave it at that! I can't let that parent leave my presence thinking, "Mrs. Skid is a wonderful person." Mrs. Skid is nothing! Mrs. Skid, without Christ and the experience of suffering, was that cocky 24 year old teacher whose advice was worthless! The only thing of value I have is Jesus Christ living in me. And I trust that they see Him in my eyes!

Copyright Cheryl Skid. Email

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Whom Do You Call Shepherd?

Whom Do You Call Shepherd?
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.
For he [is] our God; and we [are] the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.
Worship   shachah  worship, bow down, bend, study
Bow down karah   knee, bow, crouch, sink
Kneel    barak    bend, kneel, bless, thank, praise
                          thank, congratulate
Pasture    meerite  flock, pastureland, grazing ground

We are Sheep
So what does it mean that we are sheep?
Genesis 4:2 is the first mention of sheep. What do we learn? ______________________________________
Abraham, Rachel each had sheep. They kept the sheep. If we are God’s sheep what is His responsibility toward us? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Consider sheep and their owner. Do sheep have a responsibility?____________________Considerng sheep and God and your relationship what can you assume?_________________________________
Isaiah 53:6 gives us a glimpse into the behavior of sheep which is characterized by _________________________________________________________________________________________
Isaiah 53:7 tells us something else about sheep __________________________________________________________________________________________
Jeremiah 50:6 tells of the horrible way God’s sheep have been treated by ‘shepherds’. Do you care to tell about an experience you have had under the care of a corrupt and deceptive ‘shepherd’? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Many people have turned from the Lord because of how they were treated by false shepherds. Comment __________________________________________________________________________________________
Ezekiel 34:6 speaks of the sheep that wanders off and no one comes to seek him or her out…to bring her back. Has it been your experience that you were abandoned by a ‘shepherd’ that you thought watch over your soul? _______If so how did that affect you? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Many people blame God because they trusted a ‘shepherd’ God did not call. What would you say to that? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Ezekiel 34:11, 12
 What does God, Himself promise concerning the sheep who has been abandoned, lost or even strayed away by his or her own will? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Micah 2:12 speaks of bringing sheep into the fold where there are many sheep assembled together. What can you see as the benefit of being in a large fold of sheep? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Matthew 7:15 Jesus speaks of how some sheep have been deceived. Your experience? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Matthew 10:16 tells of Jesus sending out his sheep! He went from gathering to sending. Discuss: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Matthew 6:24 speaks, not of the sheep under the cruel care of a false shepherd to the sheep with no shepherd. How does that speak to your heart? __________________________________________________________________________________________
John 10:7 Speak of this in terms of your relationship with the shepherd. __________________________________________________________________________________________
John 10:11 A good shepherd does what for his sheep? _____________________________________________
What does that tell you about the responsibility of anyone who considers himself or herself an overseer of God’s flock! _________________________________________________________________________________________
John 10:12, 13 speaks of the false shepherd who runs off and leaves his sheep. Have you suffered that in your own life? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Hebrews 13:20,21 offers a prayer for the sheep who want to do SOMETHING to repay the shepherd for his good care. What would that repayment be? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Of course we can never repay the Lord. Nor does He expect it! Salvation is a free gift, but look what devastation is caused—what harm done when sheep are treated poorly! Do you feel responsible to behave in a certain way ? Explain. __________________________________________________________________________________________